Thursday, 4 December 2014


A Visual  is worth thousand words

Visual is a strong source of mass communication.  Mankind has been a maker of images at least since the cave paintings of some 20,000 years ago. A visual tells a story just as well as a large amount of descriptive text.  A picture is worth thousand words. This phrase emerged in the USA in the early part of the 20th century. Its introduction is widely attributed to Frederick R. Barnard, who published a piece commending the effectiveness of graphics in advertising with the title One look is worth a thousand words in december’1921.


The visual system in humans allows individuals to assimilate information from the environment. The act of  seeing starts when the lens of the eye focuses an image of its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina There were two major ancient Greek schools, providing a primitive explanation of how vision is carried out in the body.


The visual arts are art forms. Such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, print making, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture. Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included within the visual arts are the applied arts  such as industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and decorative art.

You can find strong use of visuals in fields like - 
Print making


Drawing is a means of making an image, using any of a wide variety of tools and techniques.
It involves making marks on a surface by applying pressure from a tool, or moving a tool across a surface using dry media such as graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoals, pastels, and markers. Digital tools that simulate the effects of these are also used. The main techniques used in drawing are: line drawing, hatching, cross hatching,  random hatching, scribbling, stippling, and blending. An artist who excels in drawing is referred to as a draftsman or draughtsman.

What is Visual Literacy

The term “Visual Literacy” was first coined in 1969 by John Debes. Visual Literacy refers to a group of vision-competencies a human being can develop by seeing and at the same time having and integrating other sensory experiences. The development of these competencies is fundamental to normal human learning. When developed, they enable a visually literate person to discriminate and interpret the visible actions, objects, symbols, natural or man-made, that he encounters in his environment. Through the creative use of these competencies, he is able to communicate with others. Through the appreciative use of these competencies, he is able to comprehend and enjoy the masterworks of visual communication.


The word photography comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, for "light," and graph, for "drawing." "Drawing with light" is a way of describing photography. When a photograph is made, light or some other form of radiant energy, such as X rays, is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface. Early photographs were called sun pictures, because sunlight itself was used to create the image. With the invention of photography, a realistic image that would have taken a skilled artist hours or even days to draw could be recorded in exact detail within a fraction of a second.

Powerful means of Communication

Today, photography has become a powerful means of communication and a mode of visual expression that touches human life in many ways. For example, photography has become popular as a means of crystallizing memories.    Most of the billions of photographs taken today are snapshots--casual records to document personal events such as vacations, birthdays, and weddings.

Photographs are used extensively by newspapers, magazines, books, and television to convey information and advertise products and services.    Practical applications of photography are found in nearly every human endeavor from astronomy to medical diagnosis to industrial quality control. Photography extends human vision into the realm of objects that are invisible because they are too small or too distant, or events that occur too rapidly for the naked eye to detect. A camera can be used in locations too dangerous for humans. Photographs can also be objects of art that explore the human condition and provide aesthetic pleasure. For millions of people, photography is a satisfying hobby or a rewarding career.

Today photography is widely recognized as a fine art. Photographs are displayed in art museums, prized by collectors, discussed by critics, and studied in art history courses.
In the early days of photography some people considered the medium something of a poor relation to the older, established visual arts, such as drawing and painting.    The arguments stemmed from the fact that a camera is a mechanical instrument. Because the mechanical procedure of taking a picture is automatic, detractors claimed that photography required no coordination of hand and eye and none of the manual skills essential to drawing and painting.

The Kodak Era   

In the 1880s the American George Eastman  put flexible roll film on the market, and in 1889 he introduced the first Kodak camera with the slogan, "You push the button and we do the rest." Thus was launched the era of mass-market photography.   Meanwhile, gifted photographers were exploring the new medium from a creative standpoint, attempting to discover its potential and limitations and define photography as an art form. At first it was only natural that photographers should take their inspiration from painting. Oscar G. Rejlander and Henry Peach Robinson, for example, working in England, used various darkroom techniques, tricks, and manipulations to produce staged photographs that frankly imitated the sentimental, moralistic paintings of the era.
Photography in Communication

Power of Communication 

Since its invention in 1839, photography's unique powers of visual description have been used to record, report, and inform. People prefer to see things with their own eyes, but when this is impossible the camera can often serve the same purpose almost as well. It is not true that photographs never lie. They can be falsified and manipulated. Nevertheless, a photograph can carry a strong measure of authenticity and conviction.

What is Photo Editing?

The most important part of shooting pictures often involves work after they have been shot! Post processing photo editing has become the anthem for many professional photographers. Even after shooting good pictures they need to make them great. This is where photo editing is applied. Under the canopy of this broad term ‘photo editing’ several enhancement can be done to make a picture that has already been shot more valuable and attract. Photo editing is a simple and also a complex process that is performed in a studio with software like Photoshop or GIMP. The software supports many features that are useful in photo editing.
In digital photo editing, one can easily do the following things smartly to make a difference to processed pictures. These are the simple processes done with the software, virtually by every editor.

1 Noise reduction
2 White Balance
3 Contrast
4 Exposure
5 Lens correction
6 Color adjustments
7 Resizing and cropping
8 Background removal

The complex and advanced techniques include:
1 Simple to complex clipping path techniques
2 Portrait corrections
3 Drop and reflection shadow
4 Special Effects
5 Adjusting text and visuals
6 Photo stitching
7 Photo  masking and layers
8 Manipulation

Enhancement and retouching
Photo editing is a beautiful process that removes most blemishes and unwanted objects from digital photos. Now that such photos are used for e-commerce, print media, posters and advertising, making impressive catalogues it has versatile application across industries. To achieve the above work, the photo editing professionals have to use the correct software. There are many kinds of software that have been introduced for professional editors. Regularly new features are added to make the work better. 

Photo editing software  

Photo editing software  is an essential part of everyday post processing work. adobe photoshop is popular  photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems for Windows and OS X. Photoshop was created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, it has become the de facto industry standard in raster graphics editing, such that the terms "photoshopping" and "photoshop contest" were born.
For online photo editing you can try -

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